John Han Gao

A Good Education System weighs more than Distance! John Han Gao 11 years old[2017]. Teachers here call him by his Chinese nickname “Zhuangzhuang”. Zhuangzhuang lives over 1 hour freeway driving distance. His brothers Robert and David first came here to learn art. They used to take classes with other art institution. Their Mom decided to transfer them to US Fine Art Education Center as soon as she heard of our systematic curriculum training system.

John started coming here when he was 4. He was a really cute and well behaved kid. But the only thing was he didn’t do his work. He’d smile at his teacher when he was asked to work. He liked doodling during class. After two years, John still couldn’t draw perfectly. His Mom is patient and always being encouraging. His Mom said she is patient because she saw John’s two brothers difference after came to US Fine Art Education Center. The CTA system would eventually benefit him too. His Mom values John’s own thoughts along learning process; he always has his own story for each drawing. It might not be good-looking picture, but it represents kid’s own idea.

Such creativity enlightenment teaching plan makes Zhuangzhuang loves drawing. Now he has been taken our intermediate and advanced curriculum. After learned basic sketch, water color, innovative design, John became more into art.

John’s Mom said, “All my three sons learn art from young age though I don’t expect them to be artists. My eldest son now is graduated. He didn’t choose art major but art definitely helps him in his further education. Now my eldest son studies in his ideal university and his art talent helps him get the highest amount of scholarship school offers. From his admission interview and admission letter, his art talent is highly valued by school even though he didn’t choose art major.  My sons grow up in US Fine Art Education Center. By following the CTA system, I see them making progress day by day.”